In the high energy sports documentary, The Nature of Winning, delves into the exhilarating world of elite horse racing, as a horse named Nature Strip stands on the precipice of legend. Witness the extraordinary collaboration of three titans in the sport - Chris Waller, James McDonald, and Sir Steve Hansen - as they join forces on a thrilling quest to conquer The Tab Everest. Experience the passion, dedication, and unyielding pursuit of victory that unites these masters and propels them towards the pinnacle of their craft.
Directors: Marty Moynihan & Dave Christison
Writers: Marty Moynihan & Dave Christison
Producers: Marty Moynihan & Dave Christison
EP’s: Michael Jones, Luke Waldren, Marty Moynihan & Dave Christison
Production & Post by RIOT
Status: Completed
Released: 7TWO and 7Plus